Tips with Kay Bennett.
What is the proper method for pruning trees? Kay shows us
how, particularly as it gets hot and dry in the summer we
need to be aware of the needs of our trees and how to best
prune them.
Entomologist, Kris Bramen
discusses the Spittle bug and its' effect on our lawns.
If you notice brownish
circles on your lawn and a mucus like substance you may
have Spittle Bugs. The Spittle Bug is tent shaped, black
with two red stripes on its' abdomen. They can be harmful
to your lawn. A high moisture environment is disruptive
to them. One solution, keep your grass mowed to the proper
height. Adult Spittle Bugs can also damage Hollies.
Grass Cycling
Don't fill landfills with grass clippings.
Grass clippings contain about 3% Nitrogen and don't spread
disease or weeds.
Dr. Rick's Timely Tips - Dead Areas In Your Lawn.
Dr. Rick discusses how to deal with those dead areas in
your lawn.
We respond to an email about Lichens.
Lichens are a colony of algae and fungus
working together. Their light green scales on your tree
aren't harmful. They tell us the tree may need more sunlight.
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