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Soiree Kawaii Sizzles All Summer!

Soiree Kawaii Sizzles All Summer!

By Delilah Onofrey, Suntory Flowers
Photographs courtesy of Suntory Flowers

Looking for heat-loving annuals? Soiree Kawaii catharanthus from Suntory Flowers are tiny, but terrific! These little dynamos thrive in the harshest Southern conditions while also looking great all summer up North. The word, “kawaii,” means cute in Japanese, describing the flower size and shape. Think of these varieties as vinca’s cute little sister!

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This summer, Soiree Kawaii has shined in summer landscapes and home gardens throughout the country. The series spans eight colors: Red Shades, Coral, Pink, Lavender, Light Purple, White Peppermint, and the new Coral Reef and Blueberry Kiss. Plant en masse in landscape beds or mix them with other heat lovers in combination planters. They are highly versatile and will provide tidy mounds of color all summer long.

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Louisiana State University (LSU) has named the entire Soiree Kawaii series one of five Blue Chip award winners for outstanding performance, declaring the plants the party animals of the summer landscape. LSU’s trials managers report, “One of our absolute favorites for mounding swaths of color in landscape beds this year is our Soiree Kawaii catharanthus. Unlike your typical vinca, these have tiny blooms which provide powerful color density for your flower beds. We trialed five individual entries, each providing a bright pop of color in the landscape. All the cultivars in this series were outstanding performers in our extremely hot and wet summer."

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Dallas Arboretum planted Soiree Kawaii White Peppermint in formal beds along the main walkway in front of hedges. Additional plantings included mixed shades of Soiree Kawaii Blueberry Kiss, Pink, and Lavender. The University of Tennessee went whimsical planting ornamental onions as a spike in the middle surrounded by Soiree Kawaii. Creativity knows no bounds!

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For more information about Soiree Kawaii, visit the Suntory Flowers website.

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By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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