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GardenSMART :: So Easy and So Tasty

So Easy and So Tasty

By Tommy C. Simmons, an enthusiastic cook
Photograph by Tommy C. Simmons

When cookbook author Corinne Cook was growing up in Church Point, LA, her mother would often send her children to school with a whole baked sweet potato in their lunch bags. "We loved unwrapping the soft sweet potato and squeezing out the soft, syrupy inside of the sweet potato for our lunch," Cook recalls. Her lifelong love of the sweet potatoes grown in the Church Point and Opelousas area prompted Cook to include several sweet potato recipes in her popular cookbooks, "Extra! Extra! Read All About It!" and "Extra! Extra! Read More About It!"

One recipe from her cookbooks I enjoy fixing whenever I have a couple of extra sweet potatoes on hand is Baked Sweet Potato Bites. I think y'all will like this recipe, too.

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Baked Sweet Potato Bites can be served as a party appetizer or side dish.

Home kitchen-tested recipe

Baked Sweet Potato Bites

Serves 4 to 6. Recipe is from "Extra! Extra! Read More About It!" cookbook by Corinne Cook.

4 sweet potatoes
3 or 4 tbls. olive oil
Cajun seasoning of choice to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.
  2. Scrub outside of unpeeled sweet potatoes. Dry with paper towels. Cut off ends, but do not peel sweet potatoes. Cut sweet potatoes into ¾-inch wide circles, then cut the circles in half or bite-size pieces if the sweet potatoes are large.
  3. Place sweet potato slices in large bowl and add olive oil. Toss to coat. Sprinkle with Cajun seasoning and place on baking sheet in a single layer.
  4. Bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Turn and bake on other side for 15 minutes or until centers are soft and outside is just lightly browned.


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