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We are adding a new feature to our website:Cooking Garden Vegetables and Fruits with Chef Linda Weiss.

Linda attended La Varenne at The Greenbrier and Le Cordon Bleu of Paris' Catering School. She is a member of The James Beard Foundation in New York and the Southern Foodways Alliance at Ole Miss. Linda�s first book, Memories From Home, Cooking with Family & Friends

is available at or at her website�� Linda currently is a free lance magazine and newspaper writer, has been the Food Editor for three magazines, as well as a cooking teacher and a frequent television cooking show guest.

Visit her website:�� and her

---Anne K MooreAugust 15, 2009---


Article pico by Linda Weiss, Chef and author of
Memories From Home: Cooking with Family & Friends
Photographs by Robert Shober

Zucchini-Prep-RecipeIn 1956, my mother, grandmother, sister, and I all got in the car for a road trip from Hwy 10 in South Central Alabama over to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to visit my Aunt Elizabeth (Sis).When we arrived, the table was set with her best tablecloth and china and we all sat down in the dining room to eat a wonderful luncheon.Of all the food that we had that day, I remember only the stewed squash.It was the best that I�d ever had, and still the best today, over 50 years later.

You must be asking yourself why I would remember this trip from 1956, especially since it was so long ago and I was only a child.The answer, as in all my answers about memories, relates pretty much to food.The stewed squash that Aunt Elizabeth made for our luncheon that day was the gold standard for stewed squash.I�ve never been able to make it as good.

Since that time 50 years ago we have gone through a food revolution.We�ve added fresh herbs and spices and even cheeses that we didn�t have readily available back in those long gone days.So, if you are ready to enjoy a few of the newer dishes, I�d like to share some of my favorites with you.

Zucchini, Goat Cheese and Basil Appetizers

Appetizer-IMG_0895I borrowed this recipe from a chef in town who made it especially for me.These little roll-ups are delicious.The amount of zucchini depends on the number of guests.This recipe should serve four.


One or 2 Zucchini
One (4-ounce) package goat cheese with basil
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Green onion stems, steamed or micro waved and pulled into thin strips
Fresh basil and basil flowers, if you have them on your basil plant

Slice the zucchini into long, wide ribbons with a vegetable peeler.Rub both sides of the zucchini slices with olive oil and salt and pepper.Place each slice in a skillet over medium low heat and let the zucchini wilt or soften until tender.Remove to a working board or plate.Place a teaspoon or more of the goat cheese on top of the ribbon, making sure you have one side covered.Then roll the zucchini.Tie the roll-up with a green onion stem.Place a tiny basil leaf or flower on top of the roll-up.Can be served at room temperature.


Caramelized Squash (with fresh basil or thyme)

Yellow-Squash-slicesThis one recipe reminded me of how much I love squash.The natural sugars help the squash caramelize and develop a delicious sweetness.Serves four.

5-6 medium yellow crookneck squash
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Fresh thyme or basil leaves

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.Line a baking sheet with foil.Slice the squash into half-inch thick slices (make sure the squash is dry).Place squash on a baking sheet in a single layer.Pour a little olive oil over the squash, then salt and pepper to taste.Using your hands rub the oil all over the squash.Place the baking sheet in the oven for 20 minutes or less, depending on desired texture.Remove, and sprinkle with fresh basil or thyme.


Squash Casserole

This one is the best!

3 pounds yellow crookneck squash
Cajun Seasoning OR Greek Seasoning
1 onion, chopped
One-half cup finely chopped green pepper
One-fourth cup water
1 cup freshly grated parmesan or cheddar cheese
One-fourth cup mayonnaise
Two eggs beaten

Slice squash into thin rounds.To a large heavy pan, add a layer of squash and a layer of onions.Sprinkle liberally or to taste with either Cajun or Greek seasoning.Add another layer of squash and onions, and more seasoning and continue to layer until all the squash has been used and all layers seasoned.Add the pepper.Add one-fourth cup water and cook on medium heat until squash is very tender and done.Mash the squash mixture and add to a casserole dish.Add the mayonnaise, eggs, cheese, and mix well.Bake the squash mixture at 350� for 40-45 minutes or until squash is bubbly.(I usually don�t have to add salt and pepper with the seasonings).


Layered Squash & Zucchini with Italian Cheese

layered-squash-baked-IMG_09I used a small square dish for this recipe.It will serve four.Or, make a larger casserole by using more squash and zucchini, and cheese.


Two yellow crookneck squash
Two zucchini
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
1-cup 6-cheese Italian blend
Chiffonade of Basil

Zucchini-&-Yellow-layered-IOil the casserole dish.Slice the yellow squash into thin long slices (about � inch thick).Cut the zucchini in half crosswise.Slice into long slices lengthwise.Alternate yellow squash slices and zucchini slices tightly in the dish.Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.Bake in a 350� oven for 45-50 minutes or until desired tenderness.Remove from the oven and sprinkle liberally with the cheese.Bake a few minutes longer to melt the cheese.Sprinkle with chiffonade of basil.

Visit Chef Linda�s website:��
and her


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