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Chef Linda Weiss
Photos, Robert Shober

PEARS-ARTISTIC-1.jpgPears, so simple, so delicious. Also, pretty and very elegant as you can see from Robert Shober�s outstanding photos of the poached pears sitting on an antique cake plate in a deep dark chocolate sauce.

The recipe for the Pears with Dark Chocolate Sauce is a little on the easy side since you can make your own dark chocolate sauce or use a good store brand. All you need to do is poach the pears. That�s pretty easy too. The poached pears are not too sweet and pair-pardon the pun, well with the sauce.

Another good thing about this recipe is that you can poach the pears and refrigerate until ready to use, hopefully, the same day.

I always use this recipe during the holidays. It�s light and a good diversion from heavy pies after a heavy meal. The good thing is that you can use it all year round, even for brunch.


Poached Pears with Dark Chocolate Sauce

8 large pears such as red D'anjou, or Bosc (cored through the bottom if you like)
2 cups sugar
1 quart water
6 to 9 cloves
2 teaspoons lemon peel
1 cinnamon stick
(2 tablespoons orange zest- optional)
1 jar brand name ''Dove'' Dark Chocolate Sauce

Warmed slightly in the microwave

In a Dutch oven large enough to hold the pears, bring sugar, water, cloves, lemon peel,(orange zest) and cinnamon stick to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. While the sugar mixture is boiling, peel the pears. Place the pears in the cooking sugar mixture and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cover, and poach until pears are very tender. That would be when you have no resistance from a knife or fork inserted into the thickest part of the pears. When pears are done, remove them from the liquid and set aside to cool. Cool the liquid.

Place the pears in a container and pour the pear liquid over them. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.  When ready to serve, warm the dark chocolate sauce in the microwave until it is pourable. Dry the pears and place them on a large cake plate or single serving dishes and pour or spoon the chocolate sauce over them. About two tablespoons for each pear will be enough. Serves 8.

For presentation, I poured cooled chocolate sauce onto an antique cake plate and then sat my dried pears on top. I poured a small amount of honey on top of the pears. Then I kept some chocolate sauce to the side to pour on when serving.

Visit Chef Linda at her website:
and her blog:
Linda's first book, Memories From Home: Cooking with Family & Friends is available at or at her website.

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