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No More Mowing and Other Benefits of Replacing Lawns

No More Mowing and Other Benefits of Replacing Lawns

By Park Seed
Photograph courtesy of Park Seed

Traditional lawns are a staple of many American backyards. They're easy to care for, provide a place to play, and can even add value to your home. However, traditional lawns also require a lot of water, which can be a problem in areas with limited water resources or if you’ve made it a priority to conserve water.

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to replace traditional lawns with more water-wise and low-maintenance alternatives. These alternatives can provide the same benefits as a traditional lawn, while using a fraction of the water to create a more sustainable landscape.

Let’s discuss the merits of replacing a traditional lawn with water-wise grass alternatives. We'll also provide some specific plant and ground cover options that can be used to create a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn.

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Benefits of Replacing a Traditional Lawn

There are many benefits to replacing a traditional lawn with water-wise alternatives. These include:

Water conservation: Water-wise alternatives use a fraction of the water that a traditional lawn requires. This can save you money on your water bill, and it can also help to conserve water resources for the environment.

Reduced maintenance: Water-wise alternatives are typically much easier to maintain than traditional lawns. You won't have to mow as often, and you won't need to use as much fertilizer or pesticides.

Better for the environment: Water-wise alternatives are better for the environment than traditional lawns. They help to reduce water pollution, and they can also provide habitat for wildlife. 

More attractive: Water-wise alternatives can be just as attractive as traditional lawns. There are many different types of plants and ground covers that can be used to create a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn. 

Specific Plant and Ground Cover Options

There are many different types of plants and ground covers that can be used to create a water-wise lawn. Some popular options include:

Clover: Clover is a low-maintenance plant that is drought-tolerant and nitrogen-fixing. It can be used to create a beautiful and lush lawn that requires very little care. 

Creeping thyme: Creeping thyme is a hardy plant that is drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant. It can be used to create a fragrant and colorful lawn that is perfect for walking on. 

Corsican mint: Corsican mint is a spreading plant that is drought-tolerant and deer-resistant. It can be used to create a lush and fragrant lawn that is perfect for borders or walkways. 

Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses are a diverse group of plants that can add beauty and interest to any lawn. They are typically drought-tolerant and low-maintenance.

Evergreen moss: Evergreen moss is a beautiful and low-maintenance ground cover that is perfect for shady areas. It is drought-tolerant and requires very little care.

Sedum/Stonecrop: Sedum is hardy with thick leaves that store water and can come in a variety of colors from green to yellow and purple. It's ideal for hot, dry areas.

Shop For Ground Cover

If you're looking for a way to save water, reduce your maintenance workload, and improve the environment, then you should consider replacing your traditional lawn with a water-wise alternative. There are many different plant and ground cover options available, so you can find one that's perfect for your needs.

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Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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